I don't know why Mommy cares so much! I guess because the doctor said that I am so big that I won't be rolling over, crawling, or walking for a while...I'll show them...

Rub-a-Dub-Dub, I dig the bathtub!!
But I'm sooooo glad Mommy and Daddy got a new toddler-tub for me...as you can see, I'm a little HUGE for this one...
I can sit up, but I get so excited that I kick my legs and slip...the sides are too hard, so my new one is like a blow up SWIMMING POOL!! I'm sure Mommy and Daddy will get photos of me in there...then I can play with all my toys! As for now, I like to think...
eat bubbles... and make faces, so my Mommy laughs
I know I'm all clean now, but may I go in, just to play? PLEEEEEEASE?!
So what are we going to do today Mommy?
While you think about it, I'll take these socks off... aaaaaaa forget it, I'll bite my toes through the socks
I ended up taking a nap from 11-1 this afternoon...and it was hot when I woke up, so Mommy put on the new outfit that the Bettars sent me...Mommy had to exchange it from 9 mnths to 12 mnths...whattaya think?
Hey, look who's behind me
FRISCO! hahahahaha
Hey, do you want to play dude?
COOL! I love you poofty!