Happy 4th of July!!
look at me in Daddy's '34 Dodge!!
I hear we're headin' to a party!
My sweet brother will be six months tomorrow...YEAH! He is the coolest!
Right On!!

So we got to the party at the Duckworth's house and had so much fun with their son Jameson (or J.P.) We slid down the huge water slide together
then I was on my own!
Mommy is so proud that I never give up...I slipped going up those stairs a couple times
I was afraid and still did it with no pushing from anyone
Jes is too cool...trying to act like he isn't impressed by my sliding technique.

I ate it and got up laughing! Have a wonderful day celebrating the 56 awesome dudes who signed our Declaration of Independence...man! they put up with a lot to give the rest of us great lives...WE APPRECIATE YOU ALL EVERY DAY...THANK YOU!! xo E & J